01 October 2013

Happy October!

It's now officially October, which means two things:

One; Halloween is EVERYWHERE!  We're talking bats and pumpkins, spiders and witches, and I'm loving every single minute of it.  I love Halloween, in case you've somehow missed the memo/tweets/tumblr reblogs/etc.  And in honor of this wonderful season, I'll be spamming you *coughs* posting all sorts of things related to my favorite time of year.

Two; NaNoWriMo is officially almost here!  Thirty-one days before all of the world's Wrimos buckle down, and write those masterful 30-day-novels.  2013 marks my tenth years of NaNo, and hopefully my seventh win.  Also, this year I'm stepping up as co-ML (Municipal Liaison for the non-NaNo savvy) in my region.  So expect lots of NaNo babble here, and don't forget to grab your popcorn to watch the rapid loss of my coherency as November progresses. ;P

Along the NaNo lines, October also marks the beginning of Crunch-tober; a wonderful month wherein many Wrimos begin 'practicing' their daily word count skills by answering daily writing prompts.  As co-ML, and an all around crazy person, I will be participating in Crunch-tober this year, and will be posting some of my daily responses every Thursday for everyone's amusement.

Other than that, round one of edits for Connect have been completed and returned to LT3, and I'm ridiculously happy both with the edits I received via their editor, and with the tweaking I did.  I still think there's some growth necessary before it's ready to be released, but we're well on our way now.

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