03 August 2012

Real update coming, I swear!!

Okay, so here's the thing:

I'm really bad about maintaining a steady, full blog update schedule - REALLY BAD - but, now that I've returned from the mania of 'must-write-this-all-now' land I've decided that I'm going to try my damnedest to create at least a once a week actual update here.  This plan will be going into affect either tomorrow evening, or Monday.

Sure, you'll still be getting all of my random tweet length gibberish filled updates from my phone at random intervals; plus, you'll also be getting these fantastic, well thought out, philosophical *coughs* Alright, they'll probably still be chock full of gibberish and nonsense, but at least they'll be longer than a tweet?

*nods* So that's the plan, now let's see how long I manage to keep it up...

To Be Continued...

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